資料來源:Airline Ratings
首先是專門評鑑航空安全的Airline Ratings (via 主場新聞)
Airline Ratings從全世界448家航空中,以滿分七顆星為評鑑,選出今年最安全的前十名航空:
一.澳洲航空 (Qantas) 冠軍!
二.紐西蘭航空公司 (Air New Zealand)
三.阿聯酋航空 (Emirates)
四.阿聯酋聯合航空 (Etihad)
五.國泰航空公司 (Cathay Pacific) 有上榜就是肯定!
六.新加坡航空公司 (Singapore Airlines)
七.維珍航空公司 (Virgin Atlantic)
八.長榮航空 (Eva Air) 小綠綠表現也很不錯喔!
十.皇家約旦(Royal Jordanian)
Airline Ratings選出了一些年度代表:
Airline of the Year: New Zealand Airline(紐西蘭航空)
主要上榜年度之星是因為它持續進行機上革新, 經濟表現亮眼,適當安全管理,還有引領不同潮流的機組人員。(果然空服員很重要)
Best First Class: Emirates (阿酋航空)
Best Low Cost Airline Asia Pacific: Jetstar(捷星航空)
Best Business Class: Cathay Pacific(國泰航空)
Best Premium Economy: Air New Zealand(紐西蘭航空)
Best Economy Class(最佳經濟艙): Qantas Airways(澳洲航空)
澳航真的是很不錯的航空,難怪Miranda Kerr當初代言會引起騷動。
Miranda Kerr in Qantas Uniform
然後附上Airline Ratings安全評鑑方式:
1. Is the airline IOSA certified? If yes two stars are awarded; if not, no star is given.
是否有通過IATA 的IOSA認證(專門評估航空公司安全)?
IATA=International Air Transport Association,國際航空運輸協會
2. Is the airline on the European Union (EU) Blacklist? If no a full star is awarded; if yes then no star is given.
3. Has the airline maintained a fatality free record for the past 10 years? If yes the airline are awarded a full star; if not then no star is given.
4. Is the airline FAA endorsed? (FAA=the Federal Aviation Authority)
是否有經過 美國聯邦民航局認可或背書?
5. Does the country of airline origin meet all 8 ICAO safety parameters? If yes TWO stars are awarded to the airline. If 5 to 7 of the criteria are met one star is awarded. If the country only meets up to four criteria no star is given
這家公司是否符合ICAO的八大安全性指標? (ICAO=國際民航組織The International Civil Aviation Organization)
八大指標如下: Legislation, Organzation, Licensing, Operations, Airworthiness, Accident Investigation, Air Navigation Service and Aerodromes.
6. Has the airline's fleet been grounded by the country's governing aviation safety authority due to safety concerns?
7. Does the airline operate only Russian built aircraft?
打得眼睛好痠,下一篇會再和大家分享AERO international 和Skytrax 2013年的獎項^^